Special Issue Journal of Human Geography and Environmental Studies
Special Issue 1, December 2009
Article Number: 01
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The species richness and abundance of arthropod diversity in natural and agricultural habitats of a tropical highland (Pyinoolwin, Myanmar)
M.H. Phyu, M.J Jeon, M. Thaung, and A. Kyi
Pages 2-6
Abstract—This study examined the arthropods communities by malaise trap sampling and quantified the number and richness of arthropods in natural pine forest, semi forest (Coffee plantation) and cultivated vegetable crops in tropical highland, Myanmar in the summer and rainy season in 2009. Arthropods communities in semi forest (coffee plantation) were significantly more diverse than those other habitats. Diversity, abundance, and richness of arthropods were significantly high in semi forest than other habitats, in contrast, the abundance, and richness of natural enemies were significantly higher in the natural forest than other habitats, and meanwhile the abundance and richness of pest species were significantly higher in semi forest than other habitats. The results indicated that the habitat of the pest species considered is limited to cultivated land does not include the forest. Most of the natural enemies recorded in this study would be able to exist permanently in the natural forest area. They all depend on a closed forest habitat and therefore will become extinct as the forest disappears with proceeding slash and burn agriculture. However, some but not all of the pest and natural enemies were regularly recorded from the cultivated land.
Keywords—cultivated agricultural land, malaise trap, natural pine forest, semi forest.
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